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MI Proposal 1
This November marks a pivotal moment for Michigan and its abundant natural resources. As voters gear up to cast their ballots, one particular agenda stands out: Proposal 1. More than just a vote, it signifies a collective effort to fortify the foundations of the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF). The core intention? To ensure our pristine drinking water, verdant wildlife habitats, and scenic parks thrive for the coming generations. This amendment beckons a future where revenue streams for conservation and recreation remain shielded from fleeting political whims.

Deep at the heart of Proposal 1 is the essence of the MNRTF – an initiative designed to prioritize natural resource protection coupled with outdoor recreation. A unique stipulation ensures that a maximum of only 25% of the yearly accessible Trust Fund revenues are channeled for development. This inherently guarantees that a lion’s share is earmarked for acquisition ventures. But how are these grants allocated? The baton for final recommendations is passed to the MNRTF Board, which then seeks the state legislature’s nod.
Every application stands under the scrutiny of a set criteria framework. What makes an application shine? Its alignment with natural resource conservation, accessibility, closeness to population hubs, pledged matching funds by the applicant, and the inherent financial requirement. Additionally, certain projects hold a special place in the Trust Fund Board’s vision, including trail developments, initiatives of regional importance, and endeavors ensuring public connectivity to lakes, rivers, and vibrant wildlife habitats. To stay aligned with their core mission, the board recently revamped their evaluation criteria, incorporating pivotal changes introduced by the Department of Natural Resources, especially significant for the 2020 grant cycle.
Who can champion the cause and seek the grant? Primarily, state or local government units. In certain instances, specific school districts or recreation authorities, if they are legally set up to promote recreation, make the cut. However, there’s a catch! A 5-year recreation plan, approved by the DNR, is a non-negotiable prerequisite.
Who can champion the cause and seek the grant? Primarily, state or local government units. In certain instances, specific school districts or recreation authorities, if they are legally set up to promote recreation, make the cut. However, there’s a catch! A 5-year recreation plan, approved by the DNR, is a non-negotiable prerequisite.
Here’s a snapshot of the journey from contemplation to fruition:
- Kickstart by submitting the grant application via MiRecGrants.
- Anticipate evaluation by the dedicated Department staff.
- Pin hopes on a recommendation by the MNRTF Board.
- The penultimate step? Awaiting the appropriations bill’s green signal from the legislature and the subsequent Governor’s endorsement.
Time is of the essence! Local community recreation blueprints need to be uploaded on the DNR’s MiRecGrants portal latest by February 1st, matching the application year. The final grant application? No later than April 1.
While the MNRTF Board of Trustees cast their recommendations in December, the actual grant awards largely depend on the appropriations trajectory, usually crystallizing between 12 to 18 months post the application submission.
Budgeting for the future? Development projects can seek grants ranging from $15,000 up to a cap of $300,000. For land acquisition proposals, the sky’s the limit – no predefined boundaries.